Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A little fired up.

I don't really know where to begin with this post and I don't really know where I want it to end either. I just have some thoughts about a lot of things that were said and it may not come out in as organized a fashion as I intend, but here it goes...

-I thought a bit more about the Miss USA discussion we had tonight. I decided that Miss California did the right thing. Although I do not happen to be in alignment with her views on gay marriage I believe that she stayed true to herself and spoke honestly. I would much rather have someone tell the truth about something, no matter how controversial, as opposed to fabricating some sugary sweet, tailor made answer that the public at large may favor. She wasn't the most articulate of speakers, but she had a limited amount of time to respond to a question she hadn't heard in advance- I give her a little credit for stating her opinion, regardless of how unpopular it may have been.

-I really enjoyed the video clips we watched in class. I am actually thinking about checking the video out from the library.

-The picture books that Natalie and I flipped through from Deb's library were appalling. I feel like every week I become increasingly more disappointed by the state of children's literature and what is being made available for their consumption. I'm hoping that I can write down the titles of some quality books when we share our projects in a couple weeks.

-I stand by my feelings about Boy Meets Boy. It was, by far, my favorite book of the semester. I was disappointed to hear that some people saw it as "in-authentic" and "unrealistic" because I just didn't see it that way. Levithan said that the book represented where he wished society was (i.e.- more accepting and progressive.) He wasn't attempting to fool people into thinking that the world he created in the book was the same world we live in right now. So what if he is being idealistic by writing this book? What would we do without the dreamers and idealists? Stagnate in the poor conditions of our world today, that's what. I don't know, I'm just not willing to settle for what we've got going on in the world today. We can do better and I plan to assist in the betterment.

Step 1: Believe things can change.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Just some quick thoughts today....

1) I just finished writing my last questioning the text paper and actually enjoyed it....

2) I am having a hard time finding the motivation to write my book reviews for the final project (maybe because graduation is in three weeks!!!!)

3) The weather is beautiful and I am inside doing homework, definite downgrade.

4) I started Confessions of a Closet Catholic yesterday and so far it seems pretty cute :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Boy Meets Boy

So I know I read it a little early, but I had some time so I read Boy Meets Boy. Probably one of my favorite books. I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't put it down. Although I couldn't relate to Paul in terms of his sexuality I felt very connected to his and many of the other character's reactions to different things. I wanted to highlight a few of the more poignant passages in my mind:

"But I want to feel like life matters. I had something real with you, but then the realness scared me. I decided to go for other things instead." (103)

"Sometimes the space between knowing what to do and actually doing it is a very short walk. Other times it is an impossible expanse." (114)

"How could I possibly explain that he's the one my heart is made for? That's how it feels- he's the one my heart was made for." (136)

I don't care who you are, gay, straight, black, white, those feelings are raw. Relatable. I love reading books that transcend their characters. I was so caught up in the depth and romance of the novel that I never thought twice about the question of homo/hetero sexuality. Love is love, and I felt it while reading this book.