Monday, February 9, 2009


I have been working on reading Habibi and although I am enjoying it, I just can't get into it. I will read thirty pages or so and then put it down and go do five other things. I'm going to finish it before class on Wednesday, but it feels like more of a job to complete rather than a story that I want to cozy up with. It could be because of everything else I've got going on. We'll see...

Also, I just wanted to make a comment about last week's class. I am SO glad that we didn't end up having to do the "fishbowl" discussion as was planned. Talk about pressure. I felt that the discussion we had was heated enough, there was no need to pit three students against three in the center of the room. There were definitely people who spoke out more than others and when I was feeling particularly passionate about one point or another it was a bit difficult to get a word in edgewise, but I'm not one for confrontation so it was okay.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feedback on last week's class and for your honest thoughts about Habibi. Eager to talk more about both!
