Sunday, February 15, 2009

I stand corrected....

Contrary to my last post, I did end up enjoying Habibi. I'm not sure when the turning point was for me, but the action in the book seemed to pick up and I read it pretty quickly. Additionally, I thought that last Wednesday's class was very informative. As I read the book I hadn't even realized how controversial it could be because of how biased it is. I appreciated listening to Walters' lecture and hearing the Jewish perspective on the matter. It's a shame that the book has been banned from West Bloomfield because I think that if it was paired with a companion text reflective of the Jewish perspective it could really inform, rather than offend people. On another note, I wasn't exactly thrilled with the discussion, or lack there of, that took place in my questioning the text group today. I don't feel challenged or stimulated. No one really contributed anything and it felt like a waste of time. Although the purpose is to delve into the text and have a "rich" discussion, that's not what is happening, at least in my group. I prefer whole group discussions because they keep me engaged and thinking at the very least.

Aside from all that, I finished Bronx Masquerade a couple days ago. What a quick read! I enjoyed the book, but I do wish that it had been a little longer or that some of the characters' storylines would have been more fully developed. I liked how the poems were intertwined into the story. I really felt like the book could have been turned into a movie or something. The voices in the story were very prominent- it felt like real life rather than a fictitious story.

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