Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I eat cake for breakfast....

I found tonight's class to be pretty thought provoking. Although I am still unclear as to how I should distinguish between the terms "generalization" and "stereotype" I have walked away with some more things to mull over. I know that my teacher had mentioned taking the article out of the coursepack that sparked our discussion on this topic, but I personally feel that the article is a powerful one, no matter how frustrating. The way I see it is that many things in life are not cut and dry. Life is messy and confusing and although articles like the one we discussed in class may perpetuate the confusion, they provide some food for thought at the very least. Maybe there isn't supposed to be a right answer. I mean, in an ideal world we wouldn't even need to define terms for the negative, potentially negative, borderline offensive, etc.. labels and traits that we assign to people. Maybe the "correct" answer isn't making sure to say the right thing all the time, or refrain from saying things at all, maybe the key is to be conscious of the problem and do the best you can every day to live in peaceful, respectful, coexistence with everyone.

Also, I read my poem today and didn't die. Incredible.

Here's to eating cake for breakfast :)

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