Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Inside Out.

Alright, well I just posted something, but then I looked at my syllabus and have to post something about my position on the "insider" "outsider" debate. Although I will read the articles, I feel like I have an opinion to share without reading them first. Maybe I will post something later if my thoughts change after reading the coursepack.

I had actually thought a lot about this question during tonight's class. I mean, how could you not? We were talking about making generalizations and stereotyping. In my "Questioning the text" paper I actually addressed the question. It is my current opinion that stereotyping is never okay, I don't see how generalizations are "helpful" and, at the end of the day I don't think I could ever write a book or make claims confidently (no matter how accurately) about a group of people to which I do not identify. I know that it had been mentioned in class that it would be perfectly valid to thoroughly research a group to which one does not belong, and then author a book on the topic, but I just cannot agree. Reading about the trials, tribulations, joy, pain, sorrow, and triumph of a group of people via an author who is not a member of that group is not the same as reading about those same things from someone who actually lived them.

I don't know. Maybe my opinion will change, I am open to hearing the other side.

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