Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Naomi the lion

I read Becoming Naomi Leon over spring break and I enjoyed it, but I had a very emotional response to it. Being the child of an amicable divorce I found myself becoming very angry with the way that Naomi's mother behaved. This is not to say that someone whose parents are still together would not have the same response, but I have seen divorce rear its ugly head in my own life and despite all the heartache that ensued as a result of it I know that I am lucky to have had parents who kept the needs of their children as a top priority. I was infuriated with the selfishness that Naomi's mother displayed time and time again throughout the duration of the book and wanted to jump through the pages of the book and scream at her. Growing up I was the only one in my group of friends whose parents weren't together, but I always felt really blessed considering the circumstances. I knew that I was lucky to see BOTH of my parents on a regular basis and I never doubted their love for me, unlike many children out there.

Aside from my personal connection to the book I wondered about what age level this novel was targeted for. It's one of those books that deals with uncomfortable topics like divorce, abandonment, alcohol abuse and verbal and physical abuse, but these issues make it a very important book to share with students- many of whom may be dealing with one or more of these issues in their own life.

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